Cancer Screening Programmes

Nationally and across Somerset, particularly in women, participation in the NHS cancer screening programmes (breast, cervical and bowel) is declining yet, we know that cancer screening saves lives.
We would like to hear from as many women as possible, so that your views and experiences can help to identify action that can be taken to improve participation in the NHS cancer screening programmes and any changes that may be required to ensure that these services are accessible to all.
If you feel comfortable in doing so, please complete this online survey, sharing your personal views and experiences of the NHS cancer screening programmes: This should take no more than 5-10 minutes. Within the survey, there is an opportunity to share your contact details should you wish to take part in further discussions (this may be in person, on the telephone or via email).
It would be really appreciated if you could share this online survey link with your friends, families and networks – we need to hear from as many women in Somerset as possible.