Millbrook Surgery

Prescriptions: (11am to 4pm only)
01963 359354

About Our PPG

The Millbrook Surgery has a well established Patient Participation Group. The group helps us to ensure that patients are involved in shaping decisions about the services we provide and informing future developments at the practice. The group is still open for new members. Participating in the group can be as simple as responding to an occasional email or completing a short survey.

We would like to thank our Participation Group for all they’ve helped us to achieve in improving services for our patients. We would also like to thank all those who have participated in this year’s ‘friends & family’ survey.

We would look forward to an ongoing process of consultation and improvement in years to come.

Please see below for the Patient Participation Group Terms of Reference

Millbrook Surgery PPG Terms of Reference

If you are happy for us to contact you occasionally by email please click the link here to open the sign-up form and complete all the fields.


Date published: 7th May, 2020
Date last updated: 10th January, 2023